Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clinton: "We're not taking sides"

My ears are red, and my blood pressure is up after reading this one. I get that you're speaking to a Mideast audience, but as the "Monday Night Football" guys say: "Come awwwwwwn, man!" We're not taking sides? Really? Because one side here is for transparency, civil liberties, and democracy. The other side ain't. And we're not taking sides? I suppose we shouldn't have taken sides in Iran two years ago. C'mawwwwn, man.
The only way all of this comes to an acceptable resolution is if the international community can keep the heat on Ben Ali just enough that he understands he can't get away with murder. If we back off - if we allow him to think that both sides are on equal standing in our eyes - we're letting him win. Keep the pressure on.... maybe intensify it a little bit... and it backs him into a corner where he has to let off the gas a little bit, where the regime has to open up a little bit. That's the only even minimally-acceptable outcome of this, and the ball's in our court.

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